How to make a claim

Notify us: 

Please call our dedicated staff members on 0302 240392 who will assign a claims officer to you. Alternatively:

  • Contact your Insurance Broker or Hollard2U Representative

Processing and settling of your claim

While we’re processing and settling your claim, you can expect from us:

  • Explanations on why other people (e.g. surveyors) will be involved in the claims process and what their role will be.
  • Requests for original repair estimates or replacement invoices.
  • An explanation of how your type of claim is usually settled, for example:
  • by paying you
  • by paying someone else such as the garage repairing your vehicle
  • by repairing or replacing the lost or damaged item
  • Payments are to be made to you within 48 hours of you agreeing to the settlement by signing our Discharge Voucher. 
  • Where we’re successful at holding the negligent third-party responsible for the accident:
  • A refund of the policy excess will be deducted from the claim amount
  • A reinstatement of your No Claim Discount (NCD) to the previous percentage before the claim was settled will be performed. Any resulting return premium will be credited to your account.

In order to claim, you need to provide us with:

  • Particulars of the other party (their vehicle registration number, name, address and contact number).
  • Particulars of the other party’s insurers.
  • A final police report of the incident.

Do you have a complaint? 

If you’re not satisfied with our services, we’d like to hear about it. Please call the Head of Claims at 020 2222 392 or the Head of Operations at 020 2222 391.

If you are still not satisfied, you can complain to the Head of the Complaints & Settlement Bureau. National Insurance Commission 030 2238 300 or 030 2238 301.


Claim Forms




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