Fire & Burglary Insurance

Protect your home and its contents from a variety of risks

Our combined fire and burglary insurance compensate you for the loss, theft or damage to your home or your personal property as a result of:

What Fire & Burglary Insurance covers

  • An actual or attempted break-in
  • Fire or lightning
  • Explosions that are domestic in nature excluding boilers, economisers or other vessels, machinery or apparatus in which steam is generated or their contents resulting from their own explosion or implosion
  • Windstorms
  • Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions

More benefits

  • Bursting or overflowing water tanks, apparatus or pipes
  • Floods
  • Aircraft damage and/or articles: loss, destruction or damage caused by aircraft, other aerial or space devices and articles dropped from them, excluding those caused by pressure waves.
  • Impact damage - loss of or visible physical damage or destruction caused to your insured property due to impact by any rail/road vehicle or animal by direct contact that is not owned by:
    • The insured or any occupier of the premises or
    • Their employees while acting in the course of their employment.

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Contact us

Telephone number: +233 302 220 966